I have been asked many questions recently about traditional foods, and particularly why I chose to follow so closely to the traditional food methods of preparations. So, this is the first in a series of posts in which I will attempt to talk about a few topics related to traditional foods and health.
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I grew up in a pretty dirty part of the world. We lived in Cairo when I was in elementary school and as much as I loved it (and I was pretty passionate about defending its beauty), I have to say that it was dirty.
Did I say dirty? I meant filthy.
The air pollution was so bad that when my father had a physical exam after he returned to the States, the doctor said that his health was fine, but that he really needed to lay off of the cigarettes. That's right. My father isn't a smoker.
It wasn't just that the air was dirty. We had to be very careful about drinking water and food. We had to worry about hepatitis, parasites, amoebic dysentery. My mother was extremely diligent and went to great lengths to keep our water and food safe, and all without the help of little bottles of antibacterial soap or wipes. Yet, we all stayed healthy (although others who traveled with us were not as fortunate), and when we moved away, we left in good health.
Now, I wonder: did my time in Egypt actually improve my health? After all, when I travel abroad now, even though others are often stricken with various, ahem, gastro-intestinal issues from the food or the water, I am fine. This makes me wonder what those years in Egypt did for me.