Here's the thing about Laura: she asks the good questions: the hard, the important questions:
Why did you start a food blog? How is yours
different than others? What have you discovered about yourself, the larger
story you inhabit, and life in general because of it?
Do you think of yourself as an exile? How much of your exploration of food is an exploration of your own identity, a passing on of an identity to your children?
Why do I engage in the real work of real food, when I don't have to?
How has engaging with the world through real food deepened my faith?
Read my answers here, in the interview: Real Food is Real Work.
I am so grateful that Laura made me ask myself these questions, made me find my answers for them. But really, for me, this is just the start of the conversation. I hope that you will continue to join in the conversation with me. And so I ask you, too: How would you answer these questions?